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/Plano-Convex Rectangular Cylindrical Lenses

Plano-Convex Rectangular Cylindrical Lenses

Plano-convex rectangular cylindrical lenses are useful for line imaging or uni-axial magnification in a wide range of applications. These lenses may be combined with other lenses to form complex imaging systems.

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4.1. Why are Plano-conves Retangular Cylindrical lenses used?

Plano-convex rectangular cylindrical lenses are available with positive or negative focal lengths, ideal for laser line generation or anamorphic beam shaping uni-axial magnification in a wide range of applications to circularize laser outputs.These lenses may be combined with other lenses to form complex imaging systems.

4.2. Specifications:


Optical glass, Fused silica

Design wavelength:


Diameter tolerance:


Focal tolerance:


surface quality :

40-20 S/D


3 arcmin

Surface flatness:


Clear aperture:






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